ADI Part 1
Theory test videos & resources
Did you know you can become a driving instructor independently?
You don’t have to buy an expensive ADI training course and you don’t need to sign a contract with a driving school. It isn’t even necessary to apply for a PDI Licence.
You can follow Jonathan’s 19 Step Plan and train yourself using the video tutorials on this website.
To prepare for the Part 1 Theory Test:
Follow Jonathan’s ‘theory test revision plan’ which is available below. Also, watch the videos further down this page.
Part 1 Resources
DL 25 Driving test report form
FREE Band 3 & Band 4 revision notes: Send Jonathan an email requesting the revision notes and Jonathan will forward them to you. The email address is on the contact page.
Video 1: ADI Part 1 theory test preparation
Video 2: Theory test and multiple choice questions
Video 3: Hazard perception test